Nutrition and Calorie Tips

Just a salad….

Just a salad…. 🍔

Big Mac lovers prayers have been answered in the form of a new M&S cheeseburger pasta salad (with a Big Mac style burger sauce)! You would probably assume that as it’s a salad it’s a better option calorie wise than an actual Big Mac…. You would however be wrong!

It’s very easy to get sucked into the idea that certain foods are inherently “good” and others are “bad”. Salad is usually viewed as being “good”, even a pasta salad, and it’s certainly viewed as a better option than a Big Mac from McDonald’s. Having the pasta salad for lunch might leave you feeling like you’d been “good” whilst if you went and grabbed a Big Mac you may feel like you’ve blown everything!

Now I’m not suggesting a Mcdonalds is a “healthy” option, but to be honest neither is the pasta salad. The pasta salad is a whopping 755 calories (33g fat)! Whilst the Big Mac is a mere 493 cals (24g fat). If you are trying to lose fat or weight then you might naturally assume that the McDonald’s is a terrible option and that by having it you’ve ruined your day (diet -wise). Whereas the salad may leave you feeling like you’ve made a lower calorie / healthier and therefore “better” choice, and feeling guilt-free and virtuous and on track.

In reality you could have just had the Big Mac if that’s what you wanted and saved from calories. And if you are grabbing some of these pre prepared salads then definitely check the calories before you make any assumptions about their nutritional value!



Tuesday Tip

Tuesday Tip: Lack of Energy and Nutrition

Tuesday Tip: Lack of Energy and Nutrition 🏃🏼‍♀️

Very often people will tell me that they’re concerned about their lack of energy/fatigue and want to address their nutrition to fix it. First of all, your tiredness/fatigue is most likely NOT RELATED to nutrition in the majority of cases, but more likely due to lack of /poor sleep, stressful/busy/social lifestyle, and/or your mental health. BUT if you’ve removed these as potential causes, nutrition may be the last piece of the puzzle.

Here are some nutrition factors which may explain a lack of energy.

# Low-carb

Cutting carbs in order to lose weight is an excellent way to feel lacking in energy. Carbs are crucial for optimal human physical and mental performance. So start eating more carbs. If you need to remove some calories elsewhere to fit them in then try reducing some dietary fat/alcohol calories to do this.

# Poor hydration

Maybe you carry your water bottle around all day but do you actually drink from it? One of the side effects of inadequate hydration is fatigue and increased perceived difficulty of tasks. Set water reminders, have iced drinks (even coffee/tea) (cubes will melt), infuse your water, start a habit of having a glass of water with your cup of coffee, etc.

# Eating erratically

You’re no doubt busy and don’t have the luxury of set meal times every day. This can result in skipped meals, and long hours without eating. Obviously as long as you’re getting the right calories in the timing isn’t important from a weight loss perspective but if you’re going 5/6 hrs without eating, you’re likely going to experience hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and hence low energy.

# Too few nutrients

Micronutrients like vitamins and minerals are also essential for optimal functioning, and one of their main roles is to act as cofactors in energy-producing reactions within the body. Not getting enough of these, through a variety of foods can contribute to deficiencies, which can directly induce fatigue. Don’t get too focused on the details just try and add as much variety to your diet as possible, take a multi-vitamin, have fruit or veg with most meals, and choose wholefoods when possible.

Happy Tuesday 🤗xx

Nutrition and Calorie Tips

Choose your hard…

Choose your hard… 💪🏼

It can seem really hard when you’re trying to lose weight/get fit and healthy. It’s hard to change your habits – it’s hard to reduce your calories, to reduce your alcohol intake, to increase the amount of fruit and veg you eat. It’s hard to go to the gym, go to workout classes or walk more or increase your activity – especially when you’re busy and stressed and tired. It’s even harder to prioritise sleep when you have so much going on and a thousand demands on your time.

But it’s also hard always being tired, being unwell because your immune system is wrecked or being at risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It’s hard not fitting into the clothes you want to, it’s hard being out of breath going up and down stairs, or playing with your children. It’s going to be even harder when you’re older and unable to get up and down from the toilet unaided, or pick yourself up when you fall. It’s hard not feeling confident in your own body, strength and fitness.

I know it’s never quite a straight forward as this but on some level you have to choose your hard. Neither option is easy – they’re both hard. Even when you reach the level of fitness you want or the dress size you want – it won’t magically become easy to maintain it. It’s still going to be hard some days.

Choose your hard!


Tuesday Tip

Tuesday Tip: Motivation vs habit

Tuesday Tip: Motivation vs habit 💪🏼

One of the most common things I hear clients say is that they’ve lost motivation or they just aren’t motivated. If they have a few

‘bad’ weeks it’s because they’ve lost motivation. The reality is that if you want to achieve your goals you need more than motivation. Motivation will always rise and fall. When life is busy or hard then your motivation may wane, when you’re unwell or stressed then motivation may wane and that’s normal. Motivation fluctuates, the key to still making progress when it does is habit.

Instead of focusing on being motivated , instead focus on the habits you need to employ in order to reach your goal. So when motivation is high then that’s the time to get those habits in place. Then when motivation wanes you will have the habits there already. Sticking to those habits will get that forward momentum going again.

Focus on the small habits that all contribute towards your goal. Whether it’s tracking your next meal, filling half your plate with veggies, hitting 1000 extra steps today etc.

Incorporate foods you enjoy! This has to be a long term lifestyle change – so cutting out foods you love won’t allow you to do that. Find ways to include the food and drink you love – just moderate the amounts and frequency if you need! As well as this be sure to choose exercise you enjoy! There is literally no point in trying to build exercise habits based on things you hate. You’ll never stick to it! Join a class, try swimming, focus on walking, or resistance training , or join a local sports club. You’re more likely to keep at it if you enjoy

what you’re doing.

Happy Tuesday 🤗


Nutrition and Calorie Tips

Moderation is key!

Moderation is key! ☕️

When it comes to weight loss the keys

to success are consistency and moderation.

If you want to succeed then you have to find ways to maintain a calorie deficit over the long term. That means you have to engage in moderation. Depriving yourself of all the foods you love and enjoy won’t result in success. But equally saying ‘f*ck it’ every day and not being willing to make some sacrifices won’t result in success either.

In this example – the coffee on the left is a large caramel oat latte – and costs 305 cals. On the right is an oat milk flat white with skinny caramel syrup and is a mere 66 cals. Sometimes you can definitely have the latte but most people won’t be able to accommodate 305 cals of coffee into their day every day. So find that alternative and enjoy that most days, then have the more expensive one as a ‘treat’. Your calorie budget is yours to spend however you like but this is just one way to help make it go further.

